Ar-Raheeq Al-Makhtum (The Sealed Nectar)
By Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri
The heart of every Muslim is filled with the love the last Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and the love of the Messenger of Allah is an asset for any Muslim. This book a biography goes into the details of the lineage of the Prophet (SAWS) his message, his jihad and his social interaction. Download
Fortress of the Muslim (Hisnul-Muslim)
Kitab At-Tauhid
Kitab At-Tauhid is one of the best books on the subject of Tauhid (Monotheism) and ranks high in authenticity. In this book all the relevant verses of the Qur’an have been discussed reasonably, rationally, and sincerely. The essence of the Qur’an and Sunnah is placed in a very simple manner in this book.
The Congregational Prayer is one of the most important outward manifestations of Islam. Prayer is of extreme importance to the well-being of a persons religion. But prayer in Islam is more than just an individual spiritual experience. It is mean to be performed in a congregation – the foundation of a Muslim society as a whole.
In this work, Dr al-Sadlaan has done an excellent job of discussing the most important fiqh topics related to the Congregational Prayer. The following topics are covered in this work, the wisdom behind Congregational Prayer, the place for performing Congregational Prayer and the virtues of attending the mosque, the legal status of the Congregational Prayer, repeating a paryer in congregation, performing sallat al-taraweeh of Ramadhaan in congregation, women performing Congregational Prayer and many other topics. This book is essential reading for all Muslim leaders and Imaams. Download
In this work, the world- renowned scholar of comparative fiqh, Dr. Saalih al-Sadlaan of Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University discusses the most important issues of fiqh. In this work, the author has done an excellent job of concisely mentioning the most important aspects of the different fiqh topics he discussed. Furthermore, he has discussed many issues that are not greatly discussed in the English literature, such as the rules concerning bequests and endowments. Hence, this work was chosen to be translated as a welcomed addition to the available English literature. Download
A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence
This book is an introduction to Islamic Jurisprudence for readers without substantial background in this field. In two volumes, Shaykh Saalih Al Fawzaan has projected light on jurisprudential issues of utmost importance in a genuine and reader-friendly style, free from any jargon or sophisticated expressions.
Salvation Through Repentance
This book clearly and concisely presents the Islamic concept of Tawbah (repentance) and its viewpoint wherein salvation by faith and salvation by deeds are combined in a truly unique manner. A book that is relevant to every Muslim. Download
Ways Of Gaining Provision From Allah
This brief treatise outlines ways of increasing ones provision from Allah (swt) according to Quran and Sunnah. Download
The Goodly Word – Al Kalim al Tayyib
Written by the renowned jurists of the fourteenth century, Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyya, The Goodly Word is one of the most referred to works on prayer and the merits of prayer. Exclusively based on what the Prophet Muhammad himself said and did, this work includes prayers for every moment of the Muslims life. The Goodly Word is here presented in a bi-lingual edition so that the exact prayers of the Prophet can be read in the original Arabic. The translation is by two distinguished scholars who have also translated An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith and Forty Hadith Qudsi both published by the Islamic Texts Society. Download (5 MB)
More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night
By Shaykh Khaalid Al-Husaynaan. ‘More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night.’ Based on the Arabic Book ‘Akthar min alf Sunnah fee-al-yawm wa al-laylah’. Is it not amazing that in the course of a normal day, many of us are capable of practicing more than 1,000 Sunan? Surely, in clinging to the Sunnah is safety and security, as Imaam Maalik said: “The Sunnah is like the Ark of Noah-whoever embarks on it reaches salvation and whoever refuses is drowned.” This short booklet contains statements and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (S) that are performed in a typical day – how many of these are part of our daily lives? This work is the English-language translation of the Arabic booklet, More Than 1,000 Sunan Every Day & Night, complied by Shaykh Khaalid Husaynaan. He is a contemporary student of knowledge of our time who is preoccupied with reviving and following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S). Download | CD 1 | CD 2
Fiqh al-Imam (Key Proofs in Hanafi Fiqh)
By Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf. The first part of this book seeks to clarify certain aspects of taqlid that have been misunderstood and gravely distorted. It sheds light on the necessity of taqlid, its history, and its role in today’s world. The second part includes several chapters devoted to issues regarding salat [ritual prayer] according to the Hanafi school of law. Through illustrative examples and detailed discussions, the chapters on prayer sufficiently demonstrate the sophisticated legal philosophy employed by the Hanafi school (indeed all the madhhabs) in their derivation of legal rulings from the source texts of Islam. Download
Selected Friday Sermons
The Islamic Awakening
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen
The Muslim Nation today is experiencing a blessed awakening in all aspects of its affairs; one that has been aroused by the efforts of the Muslim youth. However, the astute observer of this awakening will find that there are many problems that hinder its progress; problems that have prompted some scholars, callers to Islam, and students of knowledge to lay down some guidelines that the youth of this blessed awakening should adhere to and follow. Without a doubt, the enemies from without — the Jews, Christians, and others — have tried to put a stop to this awakening, simply because they fear the results of its success and because they know that, if it strengthens, spreads, and succeeds in achieving its aims, it will signal the end of their dominance. Download
The Jinn & Human Sickness
The subject of the jinn is one which is of interest to many people. Folk stories abound, and many superstitious practices have arisen in Muslim cultures with regard to protection against the jinn. Many myths surround the ideas of the evil eye and envy, and there are many strange notions surrounding illnesses such as epilepsy and mental illness, which are often thought of as being caused by the jinn. This book cuts through all the confusion and identifies correct Islamic teachings on all these subjects. The jinn are real and they can indeed harm humans, but this book will teach you how to protect yourself in the manner taught by the Prophet (peace be upon him). Break free from fear, superstition and fairy stories, and familiarize yourself with the teachings of Islam on these important aspects of spirituality which the author presents here, drawing on the texts of the Qur’an and Sunnah and the writings of the respected scholars of Islam. Download (13 MB)
The Journey to Allah
By al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali. Bukhari records on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Your actions alone will not save any of you.’ They asked, ‘Messenger of Allah, not even you?’, He replied, ‘Not even me, unless, Allah were to envelop me in His mercy. Be firm; steadfast and balanced; and journey [to Allah] in the beginning of the day, the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of the night. Moderation, moderation! Through this you will attain your goal!” He also recorded this hadith in another place with the wording, ‘This religion is easy, none makes it hard upon himself except that it overwhelms him; therefore be firm, steadfast, and balanced; upon which have glad tidings! Seek help in this by journeying [to Allah] at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of night.’ Download
Men and The Universe
Reflections of Ibn Al-Qayyem. This book was originally a section of Ibn Al-Qayyim’s book Miftaahu Daar is-Sa’aadah (Key to the Abode of Happiness). This section was extracted from it due to its discussion of some of the Signs of Allah in the human beings and the universe. Also, Ibn Al-Qayyim’s book was chosen due to its perceptive and meaningful wisdom. Another outstanding characteristic of this book is that Ibn-Al-Qayyim calls for the use of the intellect and self-introspection. He encourages the reader to deeply think about the creation of Allah, the Most High — in the human being, existence, animals and nature. The complier, Capt. Anas Abdul-Hameed Al-Qoz, supports the writing of Ibn Al-Qayyim by mentioning modern scientific discoveries, useful notes and beneficial pictures that help achieve the objective. Thus, this book is a continuous and active call to all of mankind to look and reflect upon the Signs of Allah if they want the truth and sincerely wish to follow it. We will show them Our Signs in the universe and in themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. Download [31 MB]
Stories of the Prophets (Ibn Kathir)
In this book, the stories of the prophets have been compiled from ‘Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah’ (The Beginning and the End) which is a great work of the famous Muslim exegete and historian Ibn Kathir and has a prominent place in the Islamic literature. The stories of the prophets and all the events in their lives have been supported by the Qur’anic Verses and the Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet (S). Wherever it was necessary, other sources have also been reported for the sake of historical accounts, but on such places a comparative study has been made to prove the authenticity of the sources. Ibn Kathir has reproduced the views and interpretations of all the great exegetes of the Qur’an of his time. The systemic narratives of the Stories of the Prophets have been written in chronological order which renders a historical style to the book. Download
Provisions for the Hereafter (Zaad Al-Ma’ad)
by Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah. Allah has sent the Messenger (S) with guidance and the Religion of Truth. Strict adherence to the guidance of His Prophet (S) is required from the followers of Islam. The scholars of the Islamic community have attached great importance to it and produced texts regarding the Acts of Worship, Dealings and Habits in the light of the Divine guidance. This book is one of the most famous works written on this subject. This book is one of the important resources of knowledge for those who seek to know the Seerah of their Prophet (PBUH) as well as, the Fiqh learned from it. This is a book that is unique in that it explains the Sunnah through the Seerah and the Seerah through the Sunnah. Download [15 MB]
Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet
Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet is the panacea for those in search of good health. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundred and fifty years ago, it is extremely timely work for our generation in which health and natural health care products have become an important aspect of the lives of so many. The author presents the guidance of the Prophet in dealing with a variety of health issues, including treatment of ailment and preventive remedies to keep the body fit. As the Qur’an and Sunnah are the main sources of Islamic lifestyle, it only stands to reason that they should likewise be referred to in the matters of health and fitness. This is the approach taken by Ibn Al-Qayyim as he presents Verses of the Qur’an and statements of the Prophet as his main reference in these issues of health and medicines. The final chapters the this work include an extremely beneficial glossary of remedies, herbs, foods and other natural substances that aid in the journey towards better health. Download [17.9 MB]
Patience and Gratitude
Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah This is an abridged translation of Uddat as-Sabrin wa dhakhirat ash-shakrin by Ibn Qayyim. The author explains the Islamic concept of sabr (patience) and its counter part shakr (gratitude), in a practical fashion. Download
Al-Fawaid (A Collection Of Wise Sayings)
Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyah This book, AI-Fawaid: A Collection of Wise Sayings is one of the well-known compilations of Imam Shams Ad-Dm Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, who is well known by the name Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him). This blessed book is not like others that simply contain sections, chapters and themes, but it consists of the elevated thoughts that Allah, Exalted be He, bestows upon some of His servants as He wills. So whenever any of these scattered pearls of wisdom occurred to the Imam, he would immediately record them. I am sure that he did not sit down and write this book in one or two weeks, but surely it was developed over a long period of time. Whenever something came to his mind, he would record it, and whenever he learnt a lesson or anything crucial in his life, he would illuminate the lines of his page with the ink of his pen. Download [12 MB]
The Path to Guidance – Ibnul-Qayyim
This is a book which the Shaikh, the Imaam, the ?Allaamah, the Shaikh of Islaam and the Muftee of the Muslims, Aboo ?Abdullaah Muhammad the son of Aboo Bakr – better known as Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah – may Allaah the Exalted have mercy upon him, sent to one of his brothers. Download
A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam
This introductory book on Islam serves as a good da’wah tool, explaining some of the fundamentals of Islam, as well signifying verses of the Qur’an and how they relate to science and the world around us. Download
Hayatus Sahabah
By Muhammad Yusuf Khandalwi. Hayatus Sahabah is a masterpiece. A Large Collection of events and incidents involving the Prophet (SAW) and the Sahabah (RA), meticulously categorized by the common lessons and morals these incidents symbolise. Meticulously categorized by the common lessons and morals these incidents symbolise. The author has organised together a vast amount of information to paint a vivid picture of the Sahabah, and their training by the Prophet (SAW), a must for every Muslim, and every reader of History.
Vol 1 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 |
Vol 2 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
Subhan’Allah, I downloaded almost every book provided. I’m very excited to start reading these books. May Allah (swt) reward abundantly and continuously everyone involved in this website. I haven’t been more excited in my life than now, because i have the opportunity to gain so much knowledge. I am truly grateful. Allhumduillah.
we allah grant u sucess here and akhira.ameen
May allah grant you the highest place in jenna ( Ferdous).
May Almighty Allah shower his blessing upon you for your efforts in the islamic dawa.
jazakallahu khairan.
MashaAllah this is fantastic. JAZAKUMU-ALLAHU ANNA KHEIRAA
Masha Allaah ! fantabulous ! web
Jazakallaah! Khairan / Baarakallaah! feeik …
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Jeze’akumulak keyr.
Masha Allah…!!! I am very much appreciate for your efforts. If possible, Shall we get all Books are in Tamil…..
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